Searchable database of journalists specializing in Atlanta Braves

This section contains a categorized database of journalists, specializing in Atlanta Braves, and provides all the information you need to reach out to journalists or media representatives.

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Perry Laurentino
Journalist, Influencer

United States, Georgia

Husband,father,sports guy and film geek.WARNING: Strong Opinions, no crybabies. The Measure Of Who We Are Is What We Do With What We Have-Lombardi
Nathan Faulkner

United States, Indiana

South Bend, IN. Grady School. God, family, friends, Bulldogs, Braves, ATLUTD, Falcons, ACS Eagles. Jer. 29:11-12.馃槑 RT not endorsement.
Jerry Crasnick
Senior Advisor: Player, Agent and Media Relations for the MLBPA. I`m a recovering baseball scribe who`s anxious to see what life looks like on the other side.
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