Searchable database of Columnists

This section contains a categorized database of Columnists, providing all the information you need to reach out to journalists or media representatives.

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journalist image
Stewart Smith
Columnist, Writer

United States, California

Stew Smith CSCS - Best Selling Fitness Author: Tactical Fitness - Military, Police, Firefighting, Special Ops. Freelance Writer. Podcast. Books. Navy SEAL
John Rekenthaler

United States, Illinois

Anne Wilhelm

United States, California

Andrea Kay
Journalist, Columnist, Author
Author: Life`s a Bitch & Then You Change Careers, USAToday syndicated columnist & career consultant: Helping you jump out of bed in the morning & love your work
I put on Broadway Unplugged and the Broadway by the Year series, and Broadway`s Rising Stars at Town Hall, and create/produce/direct nightclub acts.
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