Searchable database of Editor In Chiefs

This section contains a categorized database of Editor In Chiefs, providing all the information you need to reach out to journalists or media representatives.

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Anna Filatova
Editor In Chief
One day I will write something about me...
Sean Hanna
Editor In Chief

United States, New York

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Jonathan Yost Ma
Editor In Chief
❤️: @CassandraYost. Sr. Employee Comms Specialist @ San Manuel. PR professor. @PRSSAatCPP advisor. Where`s my #nachos emoji?! All opinions are mine, get yer own
journalist image
Margaret Sundell
Editor In Chief
4Columns of arts criticism.
Mary Petersen
Editor In Chief

United States, Maryland

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Brian Cantor
Editor In Chief
@HeadlinePlanet Founder | Entertainment Journalist | Music news & reviews, New music discovery | TV ratings, reviews & spoilers | Harvard 09
Justin Gage
Editor In Chief
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Anne Urda
Editor In Chief

United States, New York

The newswire for business lawyers, Law360 provides nonstop coverage of high-stakes litigation across 50 practices every single business day.
journalist image
Andrew Burmon
Editor In Chief
EIC @ FATHERLY (Priors: Inverse, Maxim, Men`s Journal, HuffPo, Cambodia Daily) Opinions are subtext.
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