Searchable database of journalists in Cryptocurrency industry

This section contains a categorized database of journalists in Cryptocurrency industry, providing all the information you need to reach out to journalists or media representatives.

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Chris Plante
A full-time editor and part-time blockhead in Austin, TX who specializes in pop culture and media.
David Canellis
David is a crypto/blockchain reporter who loves old-school adventure games, techno and the Beastie Boys. He is probably watching a StarCraft stream right now.
Timothy B. Lee
Timothy B. Lee began his journalism career writing for Ars in 2007. He then spent time at the Washington Post and Vox before returning home to Ars in 2017. Today he covers technology policy, blockchain technologies and the future of transportation. He holds a master`s degree in computer science from Princeton. He lives with his family in Washington, DC.
Jennifer Spencer is the founder of Energent Media, a digital marketing firm for the blockchain space. She is passionate about helping brands leverage content to share their stories with the world.
Scott Thompson
Scott has been working in technology and business journalism for nearly 20 years, with a focus on FinTech, retail, payments and disruptive technology. He has been Editor of such titles as FStech, Retail Systems and IBS Journal and also contributed to the likes of Retail Technology Innovation Hub, PaymentEye, bobsguide, Essential Retail, Open Banking Hub, TechHQ and Internet of Business.
Daniel Kuhn
I am a financial journalist covering breaking cryptocurrency news at CoinDesk.
Jack Morse
Tech Correspondent at Mashable.
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